US Presidential Election

All I can say at this point is that I am disconcerted, particularly on behalf of younger voters, that they have to choose between two old men, one of them a toxic manipulater of the public, and the other perhaps well meaning, but simply too old to be running for president. Really, are there not two people in their forties, fifties, or sixties in the entire US who are not fully capable of leading the country and fulfilling the duties of the President of the United states? Both the Republicans and the Democrats have let younger voters down by throwing their weight and influence behind these two old men. The Democrats can’t see Biden for the well past retirement age, well past his prime, somewhat hampered by dimensia old man that he is. Meanwhile the Republicans constantly denigrate Biden’s age and memory issues, while blindly pretending that Trump is somehow young and vital when any look at him without rose tinted glasses reveals a seriously overweight, junk food eating, spewer of  mean spirited incoherent word salads that don’t reveal any realistic plans as to how he is going to make America great again.