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About This Site

Thie is my personal web site. It will be a substitute for my Facebook, Instagram and X (I haven’t posted to X since Musk bought it) posts, of which there are not many, but all of which do not serve me, but use my personal information to gain profits for the owners of those platforms. I subscribe fully to the idea that many social media platforms do not serve individuals, but use private information that people place there to turn those people into their product, a product which is then sold to unknown entities for the purpose of profit or social or political manipulation. I have decided to finally do something about this abuse of my privacy and my personal information by building a simple website that communicates to anyone who might read it what I wish to reveal about myself. It seems to me that social media in general has become a kind of parasite on the human race, attempting to monetize for corporate or political interests, information to which those interests are not entitled. Mastodon seems to be a non-exploitive form of social media, by contrast, although I am still not convinced short posts are an effective way to communicate.

I believe that personal web sites such as mine should be simple in structure. They aren’t trying to generate revenue, do SEO, impress potential clients, or any of the other hoops that have to be jumped through to make a web site “pay”.  I think millions of personal web pages, if they became the norm, would be the internet’s antidote to the poison of exploitative social media.


This site will never use AI to “generate” content. The terms “generate” or “generative” are disturbing and irritating to me. All the writing here is done by a human being. I will use the internet to fact check myself and to help me avoid saying anything that is ill informed. But, if you disagree with me, that does not mean what I wrote is ill informed.

I will always credit the creator of anything I quote here, but beyond quoted matter, everything here is my own.