
I started getting very ill around this date, in 2020. By the time May rolled around, I was looking in the mirror in the middle of the night, miserably unable to pass either liquids or solids, and thought, “dude, you’ve got cancer”. It seemed palpably obvious in that moment. Oddly, I wasn’t very upset at the thought. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I think that many of us with cancer have such a moment of frankness with ourselves sometime prior to the medical diagnosis. In my case, it helped to make the phone call from the doctor not shocking, but almost expected.

More to come. Much of what I have to say on this page is based on my own experience. Some of it will be frank and mildly graphic – I will avoid clinically graphic. It is not intended to disturb or to be medical advice, but simply a description of my own experiences. I hope that it might be of some help to anyone starting down the road that I’ve been traveling, actually running and walking – more about that later.