
About the Opinions Page

This page will have opinions that I want to elaborate on, in order to provide logic and details backing up the opinions presented here. 

The internet is overloaded with overly brief opinions as found on social media. The danger with such brevity is that the reader can add in their own prejudices and use the brief statement, particularly by politicians, to harden them into a closed mindedness that doesn’t seem to do civil society much good. 

I hope that someone reading this page will know clearly what I mean, and why I mean it. I will try to make my posts at least long enough to be sure my meaning is conveyed logically and not with hype.

The quick takes blog will be for exactly what the title of that section says, and some of the opions expressed there will be elaborated upon here.

Questioning War

This poem, by Thomas Moore, put together in Photoshop with a gradient background, certainly raises some doubts about the usefulness to the human race of war, and the results of war, not for the instigators, but for those who actually do the fighting.